Please email me any questions you'd like me to ask Nicholaus, the founder of PUA Hate, for my podcast next week.
If youre creative enough to have any skit ideas, please send it along.
BTW, even though Barry Kirkey said he would be down to be on the same show as Nicholaus, we wont be able to do it for reasons you can only....speculate.
Lets make this an entertaining show.
And if any of you are down to come on the show and have a debate with Steamrolller, bring it on fuckers.
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Why the fuck would anyone give a fuck about a poor, pathetic, broke, alcoholic, sad, depressed, waking up hoping he's dead, waking up and vomiting because the mercury from the fillings in his teeth are making him sick and he's to poor to afford replacement fillings; enough to think they can give you all the fucking pick up knowledge in the world?
Sometimes, if Barry is being an asshole, I tell him I'm going to go out with my girls and fuck a random guy. He starts crying and begs me for forgiveness. I usually have him give me a foot massage and take me out for an expensive dinner. Then I tell him I'm tired and we go to sleep without having sex.
yeah right
we gave you great questions to ask johnny aka the virgin boy alias hot lips and you never ask him....u talked about the same old boring stuff we've heard 1000 times and know already.
still...here s a question..how about go fuck yourself?
i hope it s interesting enough for your lame ass podcast.
i believe nicholos is embarrasing himself to go on this podcasts.
first of all this jared faggot is proud of his "casanova crew". what a fuchen idiot. who gives a fuck about this faggot? i liked how berry embarrassed the shit out of him on the show when the faggot was dumb enough to ask berry to come to a scene event and give a talk... are u a fuchen retard man? nobody really give a fuck about this queer. his poscasts is fuchen weak and makes berry look like the most exciting podcast in the world.
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Believe me dude, I'm not kissing anyone's ass to go on it. I'll be bashing all the pua faggots on there, including CC. I didn't go looking to go on it, jtheripper asked me to come on, and at first I didn't want to, but after thinking about it, it could get our website's name out to some of the guys who listen to it who are still delusional pua fanboys, and I will have free the freedom to bash anyone I want on it. If I had to kiss ass or refrain from bashing certain people, I wouldn't go on.
I'm also going to record it from my end too, so if anything gets edited out, I can give you guys the unedited version.
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But does puahate have as much value as girls with super-high-value that can model naked?
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LOL iambwian still spweaks that bwoken engrish
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I cut back to doing the show once a week, but I'd still love to have Nicholaus on sometime, Ive listened to all your podcasts and he sounds like a cool guy.
And clit, thnx for saying that shit, I appreciate it. And youre right, I just let those fuckers talk about whatever they want on the forum, Urban is getting douched on by everyone in CC...can you guys take him back already, we're done playing with him.